My debut Novel " The Chronicle of Golgotha Days" is set to launch by Mid April 2019. Plot Summary The Chronicle of Golgotha days is a dystopian novel by the author Sujith Balakrishnan inspired from a true event, happened in India during 1996. Like a road diary, the novel expounds the roughest ordeal of a sixteen-year-old girl abducted and tormented by her captors over 40 days and nights. Abhaya , a sixteen-year-old 9 th grade student, introvert and meagre in her studies, founds companionship with a 30year old man, Babu , a ticket checker and cleaner in a Private bus while she commutes from her home to school and back. Father, a post master in the Government post office, mother a nurse in the public dispensary and elder Sister, Amala , an under graduate student are her family members. Abhaya , stays and studies at the school hostel as an antidote to improve her academics. She goes home every Friday evening and com...