Nalukettu – A Magical Text from M.T Vasudevan Nair
Nalukettu – A Magical Text from M.T Vasudevan Nair After seven years, my hands accidentally fell on the novel “Nalukettu” from the inside shelf of my library unit. In certain instances, we feel obliged towards our short memory. As I started to read, 5th time of re-reading, I slowly started to extract real pleasure as if approaching a new fascinating novel. Many celebrated texts glorified by the critics not even possess the quality of single round readability. Still, they are famous and excited as admired works. How many adore and empathize with the characters portrayed through these novels. I am pointing on the so-called new generation writers of Malayalam fiction. The only benchmark a text should be appraised is its quality of readability. Face Flatter, give, and take compliments doesn’t make a text to transcend time. As before, when I entered the ...